Cuisine of Andhra Pradesh

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The Mughal influence on Andhra Pradesh is mostly realized in the Cuisine of Andhra Pradesh. The food of Andhra Pradesh is identified with that among the Mughals. Over the ages, along with the Mughal influence the cuisine of Andhra Pradesh has been well known as a fusion of original Andhra ingredients and Hyderabad cuisine.

Cuisine of Andhra Pradesh is extremely popular among locals and tourists. The hot and spicy dishes are a speciality of the region. Mainly vegetarian dishes are served as part of the cuisine of the region. The uniqueness of Cuisine of Andhra Pradesh is that it is a blend of both Hindu as well as Muslim styles of cooking.

Rice is the staple food of the region. Sambar is a special kind of dal prepared in Andhra Pradesh. A traditional Andhra meal comprises five kinds of dishes. To cool the stomach after a spicy meal, curd is served at the end.

Some of the delicacies of Andhra Pradesh are Pulihara, Avakkya, Upma and Bagara Baingan Some of the famous desserts includes Double-ka-Meetha, Dil-e-Firdaus and Ande-ka-Piyosi. Different kinds of fruits are often used in desserts.

A traditional Andhra Pradesh meal is served on a banana leaf. Pickles and chutney are important parts of a meal in Andhra Pradesh.

About Andhra Pradesh