Kanthuri Festival Tamil Nadu

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Tamil Nadu is a land of many beauties, many cultures and many religions. Fairs and festivals of Tamil Nadu have an integral role to play in the understanding of its heterogeneity of traditions and customs. Different religions of the region celebrated different festivals with equal enthusiasm and dedication. However one of the most secular festivals of Tamil Nadu is the Kanthuri Festival.

The festival is not restricted only to the Hindus or Muslims. It attracts people of all faiths and religions. The Kanthuri Festival is expected to bring about well being and prosperity to all irrespective of religious beliefs.


The Kanthuri Festival is held at the Shrine of Saint Quadirwali in Tamil Nadu. One of the saint’s descendent is chosen as the spiritual leader of the celebration. The Peer or spiritual leader of the celebrations is then honored by the devotees. The Peer is given offerings by the devotees. Elaborate rituals accompany the offerings.

On the tenth day of the festival the tomb of Saint Quadirwali is anointed with sandalwood and offerings are made to the saint. The sandalwood paste is then distributed among the devotees.

Time to celebrate

The Kanthuri Festival, Tamil Nadu is celebrated between July and August. Thousands of devotees travel to Tamil Nadu to be present at this significant event and experience the moment. It is believed to be a very religious event of the year.

About Tamil Nadu